Wellness Massage Chiropractic Clinic

Discover How Chiropractic Treatment Promotes Function

The word chiropractic means “treatment by hand,” and this sums up the essence of what a chiropractor does. Our bodies move and hold postures by the interaction of muscles, nerves and joints.

Most of the time, this movement goes on pain-free, but sometimes because of the stresses of life, or because of an injury or accident, dysfunctions happen, and, over time, these dysfunctions make themselves known through pain. Chiropractors are trained in the hands-on techniques necessary to locate pain, diagnose its cause and apply a customized treatment that will restore you to proper function.

Chiropractic Health Professionals

Canadian chiropractors must complete at a minimum 3 years of university studies; this is then followed by 4 years at an accredited chiropractic college. Much of a chiropractic student’s 4500 hours of education is spent in supervised clinical practice. Following the successful completion of their education, chiropractors must pass both a provincial and a national exam before they earn the right to practice as a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC).

What Exactly Is a Chiropractic Adjustment?

An adjustment is a quick, precise movement applied by the skilled hand of a chiropractor. Adjustments loosen joints and restore movement and function. When joints are adjusted, they release a gas bubble, which causes the popping sound talked about when describing chiropractic work.

Adjustments and techniques extensively researched by the profession are safe, gentle and effective for Musculoskeletal injuries and promoting wellness.

Cupping Therapy Treatment

Chiropractors and RMT’s use Cupping Therapy for many reasons. People who have had Cupping Therapy express a reduction in pain and inflammation. Decrease in muscle tightness, an improvement in blood flow and increases in range of motion.

Suction from cupping draws fluid into the treated area. This suction force expands and breaks open tiny blood vessels (capillaries) under your skin. Your body replenishes the cupped areas with healthier blood flow and stimulates proper and normal healing at a cellular level. Because of this effect, some people think that cupping releases toxins.

Common Chiropractic Myths

Myth: During treatment, a chiropractor will crack my spine.

Fact: When a chiropractor makes an adjustment by applying quick, precise pressure, a cracking or popping noise is heard. This is not, however, coming from the bone. Rather, this noise is the gas bubble that is released when joints are separated. It’s the same as what happens when you pop your knuckles.

Myth: Chiropractic adjustments involve applying a great deal of force on my spine.

Fact: Each adjustment does not involve force so much as it does skill, positioning, speech and timing.

Huronia Chiropractic Wellness Centre chiropractic private treatment room with table

Massage and Wellness Services

Massage Therapy

Relax & Rehabilitate with Massage from Barrie RMT

Massage therapy is a professional, non-sexual, regulated health care option that has been proven to prevent, maintain, regulate and augment the physical function of the body, as well as relieve pain.

Registered massage therapists focus on manipulating the soft tissues and joints of the body, and you will experience relief from discomforts caused by stress, muscular overuse and chronic pain syndromes.


Medical Acupuncture in Barrie

Acupuncture is used to promote the body’s natural healing mechanisms by inserting fine needles at key points.

As acupuncture is a medical art that has been around for many, many generations, different approaches to learning and practicing it exist. Medical acupuncture is acupuncture that is performed by a doctor trained and licensed in Western medicine and who has specialty practice training in acupuncture.


Custom Foot Orthotics in Barrie

They look similar to insoles bought in a store, custom orthotics are much more sophisticated. They are biomechanical medical appliances made specifically to correct your foot imbalance and bring your body into proper alignment.

Huronia Chiropractic & Wellness Centre along with The Orthotic Group's custom orthotics, helps to rebalance your feet, reduce pain and discomfort by enhancing your body's natural movements.

Direct Billing

We offer direct billing to most extended health care and automotive insurance.

Book an Appointment with Direct Billing at Huronia Chiropractic today.


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healing pain align adjust

Your wellness journey begins at Huronia Chiropractic